ASCP MLS Breakdown: Entire Exam Content Guidelines
The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) determines the huge exam content area for ASCP medical laboratory scientist exam preparation.
The ASCP BOC describes this entire ASCP MLS breakdown in the ASCP MLS content guidelines.
The ASCP MLS breakdown comprise: ASCP MLS reference ranges, topics and key topics of each subject and seven subjects with all their crucial outlines and question percentages.
To pass the MLS (ASCP) exam, you must cover the entire syllabus because the board chooses a different percentage of questions from each subject.
The subjects and their percentages are:
- Chemistry: 17%-20%
- Blood Banking: 17%-20%
- Hematology: 17%-20%
- Urinalysis and other body fluids: 5%-10%
- Immunology: 5%-10%
- Lab Operation: 5%-10%
- Microbiology: 17%-20%
Whether you are a U.S. candidate or international, the board offers the same MLS ASCP content guidelines for all.
In this article, we will describe the entire ASCP MLS content guideline, with its subjects, outlines, topics, and key topics.
ASCP MLS Breakdown: A-Z Information
Following are all the subjects and their outlines that you have to cover in the ASCP MLS certification exam preparation.
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Blood Banking
This content area covers 17%-22% of exam questions out of 100%.
The following are all its classification:
Blood Product
- Donor
- Processing
- Storage
- Blood Components
- Blood Component Quality Control
Blood Group System
- Genetics
- Biochemistry/Antigens
- Blood Group Role in Transfusion
Blood Group Immunology
- Immune Response
- Immunoglobulins
- Antigen-Antibody Interactions
- Complement
Physiology and Pathophysiology
- Physiology of Blood
- Hemostasis & Coagulation
- Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn & Fetus
- Anemias
- Transplantation
Serologic and Molecular Testing
- Routine Tests
- Reagents
- Application of Reagents and Special Tests
- Leukocyte/Platelet Testing
- Quality Assurance
Transfusion Practice
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Urinalysis/Other Body Fluids
Out of 100% of questions, it offers 5%-10% questions for the final exam content areas.
The further classification of Urinalysis and body fluids
- Physical
- Chemical
- Microscopic
- Renal Physiology
- Disease States
Body Fluids (semen, amniotic, CSF, serous, feces, synovial, etc)
- Physiology
- Physical
- Chemical
- Disease States
- Microscopic
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Chemistry
This part presents 17%-22% of the exam questions. It major categories are:
General Chemistry
- Carbohydrate
- Lipids
- Heme Derivatives
Protein and Enzyme
- Enzyme
- Proteins and other Nitrogen-Containing Compounds
Acid-Base, Blood Gases, and Electrolytes
- Electrolytes
- Acid-Base Determination
Special Chemistry
- Toxicology
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- Vitamins and Nutrition
- Endocrinology
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Hematology
The ASCP Board of Certification chose 17%-22% of the questions from hematology.
Its major classifications are;
Hematology Physiology
- Destruction
- Function
- Production
Hematology Disease State
- Erythrocytes
- Leukocytes
- Platelets
Hematology Laboratory Testing
- Cell Counts
- Differentials & Morphology Evaluation
- Hemoglobin
- Hematocrit
- Indices
- Hemolytic Indicators
- Special Stains
- Other Studies
- Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Immunology
This content area is specific to offer the 5%-10% questions for the ASCP medical lab scientist exam.
The following are its exam content areas:
Principle of Immunology
- Immune System Physiology
- Immunoglobulins
- Antigen-Antibody Interactions
- Complement
Disease of the Immune System
- Autoimmunity
- Hypersensitivity
- Immunoproliferative Diseases
- Immunodeficiency
- Graft-versus-host Disease
- HLA Typing
- Tumor Immunology
Infectious Disease Serology
- Epidemiology of viral pathogens and clinical significance
- Tuberculosis Infection (PPD, interferon-gamma release assay, etc)
- Stages of Infection of Treponema pallidum & Borrelia burgdorferi
Serologic Procedures
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Thyroid Antibodies
- Cytokine Testing
- Labeled Immunoassays
- Nontreponemal Syphilis Testing
- Immunofluorescence
- Treponemal Syphilis Testing
Test Result
- Confirmatory Testing
- Result Interpretation
- Disease State Correlation
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Microbiology
It offers 17-22% of questions, and its major topics are:
Preanalytical procedures, analytical procedure of bacteriology, Analytic Procedures for Virology, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, and Parasitology, and postanalytical procedures.
Preanalytical procedures
- Specimen Collection & Transport
- Specimen Processing
- Stain, Principles, Procedures, and Interpretation
Analytic Procedures for Bacteriology
- Bone Marrow and Blood
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Body Fluids from Normally Sterile Sites
- Lower Respiratory
- Upper Respiratory
- Skin, Soft Tissue, & Bone Genital Tract
- Urine
- Identification Methods
- Antibiotic Resistance and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
- BSL-3 Pathogens & Select Agents
Analytic Procedures for Mycology, Parasitology, Virology, Mycobacteriology
- Mycobacteriology & Nocardia spp
- Virology
- Parasitology
- Mycology
Postanalytic Procedures
- Issuing Corrected Reports
- Urgent & Critical Value Reporting
- Autoverification & Result Review
- Documentation Practices
- Prevention and Public Health/ Reporting to Infection Control
ASCP MLS Breakdown for Laboratory Operation
Lab operation presents 5%-10% of exam questions for the MLS ASCP exam.
The further classifications of lab operation are
Troubleshooting/ Quality Assessment
- Compliance
- Quality Control
- Postanalytical, Analytical, and Preanalytical
- Regulation (proficiency testing, accreditation standards, competency assessment, etc)
- Emergency Procedures (needlesticks, fire, splashes to mucous membranes, etc)
- Safety Programs & Practices: Safe work practices, chemicals and reagents safety data sheets, bloodborne pathogens prevention of infection, PPE (personal protective equipment) usage, transportation of microorganisms and specimens and their packing.
Laboratory Mathematics
- Standard Curves
- Normality
- Dilutions, Volume, and Concentration
- Molarity
- Mode, Mean, Confidence Intervals, and Median
- Predictive Value, Specificity, and Sensitivity
Automated and Manual Methodology & Instrumentation
- Automated Microbiology Processors
- Flow Cytometry
- Fluorometry
- Chromatography
- Osmometry
- Spectrophotometry & Photometry
- Basic Lab Equipment
- Hematology Instrumentation
- Molecular Methods
- Nephelometry
- Electrochemistry
- Electrophoresis
- Mass Spectrometry
Education Principles
Basic Management Principles
FAQs for ASCP MLS Breakdown
What is the ASCP MLS Breakdown?
The ASCP MLS exam syllabus is also called the ASCP MLS Breakdown. The ASCP BOC recommends seven subjects for the ASCP MLS exam: Chemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Lab Operation, Hematology, Blood Banking, and Urinalysis/Other Body Fluids.
Are covering the entire ASCP MLS breakdown is important to pass the ASCP MLS exam?
Yes, of course, because the ASCP Board of Certification chooses the different percentage of questions from each content area.
Abdelhalim Elshawadfy is an ASCP certified Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS ASCP), Specialist in Microbiology (SM ASCP), and Molecular Biology Technologist (MB ASCP) with a distinguished career marked by expertise, continuous learning, and a commitment to elevating the standards of clinical laboratory science. As an ASCP Certification Expert and American Board Certification Expert, Abdelhalim Elshawadfy continues to make invaluable contributions to the field, leaving a lasting impact on the medical community.