SH ASCP Specialist in Hematology: Certification Routes, Study Material, Guide, Exam Questions and Prep Course!
American Society for Clinical Pathology Specialist in Hematology (SH ASCP) is the most powerful ASCP certifications for specialists in hematology. If you want to hold a top seat in your field, this certificate is enough to make you prominent.
Hematology specialists play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They analyze body fluids, including blood, to identify coagulation and hematologic disorders, assisting in the treatment of diseases. Specialist in Hematology ASCP has advanced knowledge, abilities, and skills.
With the ASCP specialist in hematology certificate, you become a highly experienced and honorable member of your field. It eliminates the need to explain your expertise in your field; this certificate explains all of itself.
In this article, we will cover all about this certificate, including eligibility requirements, a study guide, learning material, a reading list, and tips on how to become SH (ASCP) certified.
What does SH ASCP mean?
American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of certification (BOC) offers many certificates, including SH ASCP (Specialist in Hematology), to specialists in their area of specialization. This certificate enhances candidates' knowledge and experience in their field.
BOC conducts tests to monitor candidates' knowledge of relevant subjects. Hematology physiology, hemostasis, laboratory operations, hematology laboratory testing, and hematology disease states are specific content areas for the Specialist in Hematology ASCP test.
This exam is not easy to pass. You must have in-depth knowledge and the strength to prove yourself to get this highly revered certificate.
After getting this certificate, you get a better opportunity to fulfill your life's dreams. You get a top position in your field, double salaries, and the chance to perform a job in any worldwide hospital.
American Society for Clinical Pathology Borad of certification offers (ASCP BOC) career-uplifting certificates all over the world in the medical field. BOC only awards this certificate to those who have strong practical experience in research labs.
All BOC ASCP certificates are divided into two categories, SH (ASCP) and SH (ASCPi), due to the candidate's residence. SH ASCP is for U.S. specialists, and SH ASCPi is for international specialists.
Eligibility requirements, study guide, reading list, and exam format are the same for both. While the application fee is $300 for ASCP and $260 for international applicants. This fee is non-refundable.
Requirements for SH (ASCP) Specialist of Hematology
For every hopeful Specialist in Hematology ASCP, it is vital to meet the BOC- requirements before applying for the exam. These requirements are called routes.
BOC offers eligibility routes for both U.S. and international candidates. These routes may include education, any completed program related to the area of interest, or previous experience.
Eligibility Route for U.S Candidates
BOC mentioned six routes with lab or teaching experience for U.S. candidates. These routes are
- Route 1: Valid MLS ASCP or H ASCP certification. Baccalaureate degree from an approved institution. And full-time three years of hematology clinical experience (after a post-baccalaureate degree) from an approved lab within the last six years.
- Route 2: Master’s degree in immunology, chemistry, microbiology, biology, medical laboratory science, allied health, or other related field from an approved college or university. Three years of hematology clinical experience within the last six years from an approved lab.
- Route 3: Doctorate in microbiology, immunology, allied health, biology, chemistry, medical lab science, or in related field from an approved college or university. Two years Clinical hematology post-doctoral fellowship in the U.S. or Canada. Or from an approved lab, with two years of hematology clinical experience within the last five years.
- Route 4: Valid H ASCP or MLS ASCP certification. From an approved college or university; a doctorate in chemistry, microbiology, immunology, medical laboratory science, biology, or a related field. Within the last five years, acceptable clinical hematology experience from an approved lab. OR in the U.S. or Canada, one year of acceptable hematology research experience within the last five years.
- Route 5: Valid H ASCP or MLS (ASCP) credential. A baccalaureate degree from an approved college or university. Three years of acceptable clinical hematology experience as an academic educator from an approved institution.
- Route 6: Valid H (ASCP) or MLS ASCP certification. From an approved college or university, a doctorate in allied health, biology, microbiology, or other related field. Within the last five years, one year of acceptable clinical hematology experience as an academic educator.
Eligibility Route for International Candidates
American Society for Clinical Pathology Borad of certification also recommends six routes with lab experience for international applicants.
- Route 1: Valid H(ASCP or ASCPi) or MLS(ASCP or ASCPi) certification. A baccalaureate degree from an approved institution. And hematology three years of clinical experience from an approved lab.
- Route 2: Master’s degree in biology, medical laboratory science, immunology, or other relevant subjects. And three years of hematology clinical experience from an approved lab.
- Route 3: Two years of hematology clinical experience from an approved lab. Doctorate in biology, microbiology, chemistry, or other relevant subjects from an approved institution.
- Route 4: Valid H(ASCP or ASCPi) or MLS(ASCP or ASCPi) credentials. From an approved institution, a doctorate in microbiology, chemistry, immunology, or other relevant fields. One year of research or clinical lab experience in hematology.
- Route 5: Valid H(ASCP or ASCPi) or MLS(ASCP or ASCPi) certification. As an educator, three years of clinical hematology experience from an approved lab.
- Route 6: Valid MLS ASCP/ASCPi or H ASCP/ASCPi credential. Doctorate in microbiology, chemistry, immunology, or other related subjects from an accredited educational institution. And From an approved institution, one year of hematology clinical experience as an educator
Laboratory or Teaching Experience for U.S and International Applicants
SH ASCP/ASCPi candidates need to fulfill the requirements of teaching or lab experience with one route within the required time frame. All of the following procedures are crucial.
- Blood smear, differential, and evaluation
- Miscellaneous tests (e.g., manual cell count, ESR, sickle screen, and reticulocyte)
- Instrument maintenance and troubleshooting (laboratory and teaching)
- Complete blood count
- Quality control: evaluation and performance
- Routine coagulation tests (e.g., D-dimer, APTT, PT) and Other coagulation tests
Following 5 procedures out of 12 are also essential.
Body fluid evaluation, method evaluation, flow cytometry, cytochemical stains, bone marrow prep or evaluation, platelet function studies, , QA/QI, hemoglobinopathy evaluation, education and training, personnel management, body fluid evaluation, purchasing/inventory control/budgeting and advanced coagulation.
SH ASCP Exam for Specialists in Hematology
After meeting the exam eligibility requirements, your first task is to apply for the exam. You should submit all the required documents.
Academic transcripts, foreign transcript evaluations, graduation certificates, and training and experience documentation forms with a letter of authenticity are common documents for exams.
BOC choose different percentage of exam questions from each relevant subject. The hematology specialist (ASCP) exam comprises 100 MCQs with one correct answer. Candidates have 2 hours and 30 minutes to finish this exam.
The format of this exam is CAT (computer adaptive testing), which examines candidates' knowledge by showing easy or difficult questions depending on their answers.
0-999 is the maximum score for the Specialist in Hematology ASCP test, and 400 is the minimum, which is vital to getting a credential.
SH (ASCP) Study Guide and Exam Content Guidelines
To pass the ASCP hematology specialist exam successfully, you have to become an expert in all BOC content areas. ASCP BOC has offered five content areas for exam preparation; all are important regarding the exam because BOC chooses different percentages of questions from each subject.
- Hematology laboratory testing: 20 – 25%
- Hematology disease states: 20 – 25%
- Hematology physiology: 10 – 15%
- Hemostasis: 20 – 25%
- Laboratory operations: 15 – 20%
BOC Reading List for Specialists in Hematology ASCP
BOC ASCP offers a reading list as a source of exam preparation. The BOC reading list comprises journals, textbooks, and online associations. Some references from the BOC reading list
- “Medical Laboratory Observer.” by Endeavor Business Media, LLC.
- “Clinical Laboratory Science” by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
- “Laboratory Medicine”. Published by Oxford University Press.
- Rodak's Hematology 6th Edition
- Clinical Laboratory Hematology — Print Offer (4th Edition) 4th Edition
- Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods 24th Edition
- Wint robe's Clinical Hematology Fifteenth Edition
- Urinalysis and Body Fluids Seventh Edition
- WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues Revised Edition
- Laboratory Management, Principles and Processes, Fourth Edition Fourth Edition
- Mathematics for the Clinical Laboratory 4th Edition
Online Associations
- Bloodline Image Atlas (Hematology Images)
- CellaVision CellAtlas – Blood Cell Morphology Guide
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – includes CLIA regulations
- College of American Pathologists (CAP) – includes inspector training
- Hematology Outlines – Online Textbook & Atlas
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
- Practical-hemostasis
- The Fritsma Factor
- The Joint Commission
Exam Prep for ASCP Specialist in Hematology
The BOC reading list is a partial source for exam preparation. Therefore, it is not vital that candidates only depend on BOC-recommended references. BOC ASCP allows candidates to choose alternative resources for test preparation.
In this regard, MLSi Academy is the best choice to pass the ASCP specialist in hematology exam successfully. MLSIA offers excellent SH prep packages that cover all required content areas for exams at an affordable cost.
What does MLSIA offer for exam preparation
- One unified study material (covering all essential content related to the exam)
- Questions with detailed answers (practice questions and question banks)
- Online live classes (flexible classes that can be watched during convenient hours)
- Recording of the classes
How to Pass ASCP Hematology Specialist Exam?
There is no shortcut to achieving the hematology specialist ASCP credential; it demands your unwavering determination. To eliminate your struggle to ace the BOC ASCP test in the first sitting, here are some effective tricks
Total Time: 1 minute
Depend on Conclusive Study Material
For exam preparation, only trust conclusive study material that covers all that is essential for the exam.
Understand the Nature of the Exam
Before applying for the exam, you must know about the exam's nature including exam format, exam time, and percentage of questions.
Set Schedule for Study
The most effective tip to pass all challenging exams, including hematology specialist ASCP, is to set a study schedule. Because an effective study plan assists you in covering the exam syllabus before the exam's final day.
Choose an Online Prep Course
MLSi Academy prep course covers BOC reading list and exam content area in one unified study material and offer all-in-one learning material to its subscribers.
Apply for the Exam
You should not apply for the exam until you are sure of your 100% preparation. You have limited days for exam preparation after applying.
Practice Test for SH(ASCP) Exam?
Practice tests eliminate your struggle with exam preparation. Therefore, you should choose the prep package that offers practice tests. MLSIA takes care of all your requirements related to the exam. Hence, it offers everything, including practice tests for exam preparation.
MLSIA experts compiled these practice questions from previous exams and the BOC-recommended syllabus to make everything clear for you. You can trust MLSIA's amazing prep course blindly.
Frequently Asked Question
What does SH (ASCP) mean?
SH (ASCP) is BOC-certified as a specialist in hematology.
What is the content area for the hematology specialist ASCP test?
BOC chose questions from five content areas including hemostasis, hematology physiology, hematology laboratory testing, hematology disease states, and laboratory operations.
What is the expiry date for the SH ASCP test?
Every ASCP test expires after three years. To update their credentials, candidates have to participate in the CMP program.
What is the application fee for SH (ASCP/ASCPi)?
The application fee for U.S. applicants is $300 and for international is $260.
Abdelhalim Elshawadfy is an ASCP certified Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS ASCP), Specialist in Microbiology (SM ASCP), and Molecular Biology Technologist (MB ASCP) with a distinguished career marked by expertise, continuous learning, and a commitment to elevating the standards of clinical laboratory science. As an ASCP Certification Expert and American Board Certification Expert, Abdelhalim Elshawadfy continues to make invaluable contributions to the field, leaving a lasting impact on the medical community.