MLS ASCP Study Material: A PDF Conclusive Study Source For MLS/ MLSi

MLS ASCP ASCPi Study Material
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MLS ASCP study material is the source to help aspiring medical laboratory scientists confidently ace their exams.

It provides many resources, including detailed study guides, practice questions, and interactive learning tools.

At MLSi Academy, we provide study material with a comprehensive guide and reliable resources for MLS exam preparation.

MLS ASCP Study Material, What is All About?

It's a study source for MLS exam certification preparation for ASCP and ASCPi candidates covering all the exam content areas determined by the BOC.

The Ideal MLS ASCP study material should cover chemistry, blood microbiology, hematology, blood bank, immunology & serology, urinalysis, and body fluids.

Now let's discuss what MLS ASC/ASCPi study material should have!

Criteria of the Ideal MLS ASCP Study Material

Choosing the best study materials for your MLS ASCP certification exam is an important test preparation decision. For this purpose, the following criteria can be considered:


The learning material must be conclusive. Since the MLS ASCP qualification exam covers a wide range of subject areas, study materials should cover all of these subject areas.

It should faithfully cover the examination curriculum, including various topics such as clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, blood bank, immunology and urine & body fluids.


Learning materials should be comprehensive. It should concisely present the essentials to pass the exam along with details.

In the exam preparation course, too extensive material can confuse learners, so it is important to choose materials that focus only on the concepts and information you need.

All-in-One Option

MLS ASCP study material should be an all-in-one solution.

Getting the summary of ASCP's recommended reading list in one resource is advantageous.

It will save you the time and effort of searching through multiple sources and make accessing the information you need easy.


Learning materials must be affordable. The reading list provided by BOC can cost you a lot! Our all-in-one study material can help you make a budget-conscious choice.

Easy to Understand

Study materials should be easy to understand. Visual material, such as diagrams, images, or drawings, helps to understand and remember concepts more clearly.

These visual aids can enhance learning by making complex topics easier to understand by visualizing them.

MLS ASCP Study Material for MLS/ MLSi

Chemistry Study Material For MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

Chemistry forms a major portion of the examination; it accounts for 17-22% of the total exam.

You should focus on core topics and understand the main principles to be well-equipped to tackle the chemistry-related questions on the MLS ASCP certification exam.

1: General Chemistry

It has three parts:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Heme Derivatives

For all parts, biochemical theory and physiology, test procedures, and test result interpretation are important topics to cover.

2: Proteins and Enzymes

It has 2 parts:

  • Enzymes
  • Proteins and Other Nitrogen-Containing Compounds

For all parts, biochemical theory, metabolic pathways, test procedures, and test result interpretation are important topics to cover.

3: Acid-Base, Blood Gases and Electrolytes

It has 2 parts:

  • Acid-Base Determinations (Including Blood Gases)
  • Electrolytes

Focus on the biochemical theory, including metabolic pathways, test procedures, and result interpretation for acid-base determinations and electrolytes.

4: Special Chemistry

It has 4 parts:

  • Endocrinology
  • Vitamins and Nutrition
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Toxicology

It is important to cover the biochemical theory, including metabolic pathways, test procedures, and result interpretation for all the parts.

Microbiology Study Material For MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

Microbiology is a significant component of the MLS ASCP certification exam, accounting for 17-22% of the total exam.

MLS ASCP study material for microbiology encompasses various areas of study, each with its subtopics and levels of analysis. Here is an overview:

1: Preanalytic Procedures

It has 3 parts:

  • Specimen Collection and Transport
  • Specimen Processing
  • Stains: Procedure, Principle, and Interpretation

For all parts, biochemical theory, pathways, procedures, and test interpretation are important topics to cover.

2: Analytic Procedures for Bacteriology

It has 13 parts:

  • Blood and Bone Marrow
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • Body Fluids from Normally Sterile Sites
  • Lower Respiratory
  • Upper Respiratory
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Skin, Soft Tissue, and Bone
  • Genital Tract
  • Urine
  • Identification Methods (Theory, Interpretation, and Application)
  • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and Antibiotic Resistance
  • MRSA/MSSA, VRE, ESBL/CRE Screening
  • BSL-3 Pathogens and Select Agents (Bioterrorism)

Specimen sources, continuous-monitoring systems, and rapid identification/resistance detection methods are important topics to cover for all parts.

3: Analytic Procedures for Mycobacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, and Mycology

It has 4 parts:

  • Mycobacteriology and Nocardia spp.
  • Virology
  • Parasitology
  • Mycology

Learn about specimen sources, major pathogens and disease states, acid-fast reactions, and identification methods for all parts.

4: Post Analytic Procedures

It is all about documentation practices, results in review, auto verification, and correction of issuing reports.

Study Material for MLS/ MLSi

Hematology Study Material For MLS ASCP / ASCPi

It accounts for 17-22% of the total exam. It includes blood and its components, including red and white blood cells, platelets, and associated diseases and disorders.

Hematology involves understanding the physiology of blood production, destruction, and function and the various disease states that can affect these processes.

1: Hematology Physiology

  • Production
  • Destruction
  • Function

2: Hematology Disease States

  • Erythrocytes
  • Leukocytes (WHO classification)
  • Platelets

3: Hematology Laboratory Testing

  • Cell Counts (to include blood and body fluids)
  • Differentials and Morphology Evaluation
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • Indices
  • Hemolytic Indicators (e.g., haptoglobin, LD)
  • Special Stains
  • Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping
  • Molecular and Cytogenetic Testing

4: Hemostasis

  • Physiology
  • Disease States
  • Laboratory Determinations

Blood Bank Study Material For MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

It accounts for 17 – 22% of total exams. This topic covers guidelines to ensure a safe and adequate supply of blood products for needy patients.

1: Blood Products

  • Donors
  • Processing
  • Blood Components

2: Blood Group Systems

  • Genetics
  • Biochemistry/Antigens
  • Role of Blood Groups in Transfusion

3: Blood Group Immunology

  • Immune Response
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Antigen-Antibody Interactions

4: Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Physiology of Blood
  • Hemostasis and Coagulation
  • Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn
  • Anemias

5: Serologic and Molecular Testing

  • Routine Tests
  • Reagents
  • Application of Special Tests and Reagents
  • Leukocyte/Platelet Testing

6: Transfusion Practice

  • Indications for Transfusion
  • Component Therapy
  • Adverse Effects of Transfusion
  • Apheresis and Extracorporeal Circulation
  • Blood Administration and Patient Blood Management

Immunology Study Material For MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

It constitutes 5-10% of the total exam score. This part aims to evaluate the knowledge and understanding of various topics within immunology.

1: Principles of Immunology

  • Immune System Physiology
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Antigen-Antibody Interactions

2: Diseases of the Immune System

  • Autoimmunity
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Immunoproliferative Diseases
  • Immunodeficiency

3: Transplantation

  • Graft-versus-host Disease
  • HLA Typing
  • Tumor Immunology

4: Infectious Disease Serology

  • Clinical Significance and Epidemiology of Viral Pathogens
  • Stages of Infection of Treponema pallidum and Borrelia burgdorferi
  • Tuberculosis Infection

5: Serologic Procedures

  • ANA
  • Thyroid Antibodies
  • Rheumatoid Factor
  • Labeled Immunoassays (e.g., ELISA)
  • Nontreponemal Syphilis Testing (e.g., RPR)
  • Treponemal Syphilis Testing (e.g., MHATP)
  • Cytokine Testing
  • Immunofluorescence

6: Test Results

  • Interpretation
  • Confirmatory Testing
  • Disease State Correlation
MLS ASCP Study Material ASCP ASCPi by MLSiACADEMY Course

Urinalysis and Body Fluids Study Material for MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

It is a small portion and only constitutes 5-10% of the total exam score.

It assesses the knowledge and understanding of various topics related to urinalysis and the analysis of different body fluids.

1: Urinalysis

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Microscopic
  • Renal Physiology
  • Disease States

2: Body Fluids (e.g., CSF, Amniotic, Synovial, Serous, Semen, Feces)

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Microscopic
  • Physiology
  • Disease States

Laboratory Operations Study Material for MLS ASCP/ ASCPi

It makes up 5-10% of the total exam in a laboratory-related field.

It focuses on assessing your knowledge and understanding of day-to-day operations within a laboratory setting.

1: Quality Assessment/Troubleshooting

  • Preanalytical, Analytical, Postanalytical
  • Quality Control
  • Point-of-care Testing (POCT)
  • Compliance
  • Regulation (e.g., proficiency testing,
  • competency assessment, accreditation
  • standards)
  • Safety Programs and Practices
  • Emergency Procedures (e.g., needlesticks,
  • splashes to mucous membranes, fire)

2: Laboratory Mathematics

  • Concentration, Volume, and Dilutions
  • Molarity, Normality
  • Standard Curves
  • Mean, Median, Mode, and Confidence Intervals
  • Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value

3: Manual/Automated Methodology and Instrumentation

  • Basic Laboratory Equipment
  • Spectrophotometry and Photometry
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Osmometry
  • Electrophoresis
  • Chromatography
  • Electrochemistry
  • Fluorometry
  • Nephelometry
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Molecular Methods
  • Automated Microbiology Processors
  • Hematology Instrumentation

Other than this, some basic principles are also included in it! Here’s the complete BOC reading list!

How Do I Pass the ASCP MLS Exam?

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Choose the Best Study Materials

Choosing the best MLS ASCP study material to pass the ASCP MLS exam is important. Find comprehensive resources, including standard processes and clinical experience. You can use our useful preparatory resources too.

Make a Study Plan

Making a study plan to prepare effectively for the exam is necessary. Organize your study by topic and set a schedule. Set goals, stick to plans, and learn systematically.

Free Up Study Time

To pass the ASCP MLS exam, you must devote enough study time. Adjust your work or schedule to free up some time and focus on your studies. Take advantage of weekends or free time to review intensively.

Practice MLS ASCP Exam Questions

Practicing MLS ASCP exam questions is important to gain real exam experience. Use official mock tests or work through problems in related books. Identify and compensate for your weaknesses while solving problems.

Take Advantage of the 4×4 MLS ASCP Prep Review Course Subscription

Save time by subscribing to the 4×4 MLS ASCP Prep Review Course. Subscribe to our packages that include real-time online lectures, integrated study materials, a Q&A function, and more to better prepare for passing exams.<img class="wp-image-5810" style="max-width:100%;" src="" alt="MLS ASCP Study Material for MLS/

FAQ for MLS ASCP/ ASCPi Study Material

How long does ASCP last?

The ASCP exam is valid for 3 years.

What is the difference between ASCP and ASCPi?

The ASCP is a credential for medical laboratory scientists certified in the United States. ASCPi is an internationally recognized ASCP credential.

How much is the ASCP fee?

It ranges from $100 to over $500. ASCP fees vary for different certifications and memberships. More information can be found on the ASCP website.

Why join ASCP?

Joining the ASCP provides recognition for your expertise in medical laboratory technology, networking opportunities, and professional training. You can also be recognized as an expert that adheres to industry standards.

Is ASCP accepted in the US?

Yes, ASCP certification is recognized in the United States. However, some states may have additional requirements, so you should check your state regulations.

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