MLT ASCP Study Guide Review and the Best All-in-One Solution

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MLT ASCP study guide is a syllabus for medical laboratory technician (MLT) certification that is recommended by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC).

BOC conducts the test to observe the candidate's skill, experience, and knowledge of the lab process.

After getting an MLT ASCP credential, your responsibility is to handle the lab work such as the collection of specimen samples as well as testing samples for diagnosis and prevention of disease.

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

In this article, we will describe the BOC content guideline and talk about the unified study material by MLSIA ACADEMY that covers BOC's huge syllabus in an all-in-one solution. Let's move forward.

What is the MLT ASCP Study Guide?

MLT ASCP study guide is a BOC-recommended content guideline for both international and US candidates for exam preparation.

This content guideline offers complete details about the MLT ASCP syllabus including subject, topics, and sub-topics.

It covers the MLT ASCP content area for relevant subjects including hematology, chemistry, immunology, microbiology, blood bank, lab operation, and Urinalysis/ other body fluids.

BOC offers 100 MCQs with one correct answer by CAT (computer adaptive testing) and gives 2 hours and 30 minutes to cover this test.

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

Chemistry MLT ASCP Study Guide

Carbohydrates, electrolytes, nutrition and vitamins, other nitrogen-containing compounds and proteins, Base-acid determination, drug monitoring, lipids, heme derivatives, and toxicology are BOC-recommended content areas for chemistry. Out of 100 questions, chemistry cover 20 – 25% exam question.

The chemistry content area is divided into four parts: Special chemistry, General chemistry, Enzyme and protein, and Electrolytes, acid-base, and blood gases.

General Chemistry

Carbohydrates, heme derivatives, and lipids are further classifications of general chemistry.


MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA


  • Physiology and biochemical theory: Abnormal and normal state, chemical and physical effects (Triglycerides, Lipoproteins, Apolipoproteins, Phospholipids, and Cholesterol) and metabolic ways
  • Test methodologies: Interfering substances, troubleshooting, processing & specimen collection, and special precautions
  • Disorder state correlation
  • Test consequence interpretation

Heme Derivatives

  • Physiology and biochemical theory: Chemical and physical properties (Myoglobin, Hemoglobin, Urobilinogen, and Bilirubin), abnormal and normal conditions, Metabolic routes.
  • Test methods: Special protection, sample collection and processing, interfering essences, and troubleshooting.
  • Test result arrangement
  • Disease condition correlation

Enzymes and Proteins

It is divided into two parts: Other nitrogen-containing compounds & proteins and Enzymes.

Other Nitrogen-Containing Compounds & proteins

  • Physiology and biochemical theory: Chemical and physical properties (Urea, Cardiac markers, Creatinine, Tumor markers, Amino acids, Ammonia, Proteins, and Uric acid), abnormal and normal circumstances, and Metabolic pathways.
  • Test processes: Regulations, clearances, special precautions, processing and sample collection, troubleshooting, and interfering materials.
  • Infection state correlation
  •  Experiment outcome interpretation


MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

Electrolytes, Acid-Base, and Blood Gases

This part of chemistry is further divided into two types: Electrolytes and Base-acid determination.


  • Physiology and biochemical theory: Trace elements, TIBC, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, Calcium and CO2, chloride, bicarbonate, Sodium, potassium, and abnormal and normal conditions.
  • Test techniques: Rules, troubleshooting, processing and sample collection, particular precautions, and interfering substances.
  • Analyses
  • Test influence interpretation
  • Disorder circumstances correlation

Base-acid determination

  • Physiology and biochemical theory: abnormal and normal state, O2 and CO2 transport, H+ and pH ion concentration, Henderson-Hasselbach equation.
  • Test processes: Rules, troubleshooting, processing and sample collection, particular precautions, and interfering substances and analytical regulations.
  • Test influence interpretation
  • Disorder circumstances correlation

Special Chemistry

It has four categories: Nutrition and Vitamins, Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Endocrinology.

Nutrition & Vitamins

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA


  • Physical and chemical properties: Analgesics, Heavy metals, Drugs of abuse, and Alcohols
  • Toxicokinetics:  Symptoms and signs for Toxic effects
  • Test process: Rules (Enzymatic procedure and Immunoassay), troubleshooting, processing and sample collection, particular precautions, and interfering substances.
  • Test influence interpretation
  • Disorder circumstances correlation

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

  • Physical and chemical properties: Immunosuppressants, Aminoglycosides, Cardioactive, Anticonvulsants, and Antidepressants
  • Pharmacokinetics: Excretion and metabolism, Therapeutic circumstances, and Toxic states.
  • Test procedures: Rules (Immunoassay) and troubleshooting, processing and sample collection, particular precautions, and interfering substances.
  • Test influence interpretation
  • Disorder circumstances correlation


  • Physical and chemical properties: Chemical and physical properties (Thyroid hormones, Peptide hormone, Catecholamines and Steroid hormones), abnormal and normal states, action mechanism, and metabolic paths.
  • Test process: suppression tests/Stimulation, troubleshooting, processing and sample collection, particular precautions, and interfering substances and rules (Immunoassay & Fluorescence)
  • Test influence interpretation
  • Disorder circumstances correlation

Microbiology MLT ASCP Study Guid

The Microbiology content area is divided into four categories: Analytic Procedures for Bacteriology, Preanalytic Procedures, Analytic Procedures for Virology, Mycology, Parasitology and Mycobacteriology and Post-analytic Procedures. Microbiology comprises 15 – 20% of exam questions.

Analytic Procedures for Bacteriology

Its further categories are Bone Marrow and Blood, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Body Fluids from Normally Sterile Sites, Lower Respiratory, Upper Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Skin, Bone and Soft Tissue, Genital Tract, Urine, Identification Methods (Application, Theory,), Antibiotic Resistance and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, VRE, MRSA/MSSA, ESBL/CRE Screening, and Select Agents and BSL-3 Pathogens.

Bone Marrow and Blood

Endocarditis common agents, bone marrow infection agents (Brucella spp), identification of major pathogens (Staphylococcus spp including Pseudomonas spp, betahemolytic streptococci, Candida spp, Acinetobacter baumannii, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterobacteriaceae and, Staphylococcus aureus) and Colony morphology, and Specimen sources.

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Identification of major pathogens (e.g Enterobacteriaceae, beta-hemolytic Streptococci, E. coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria) and Colony morphology. Specimen e.g., shunt, lumbar puncture, and reservoir). Shunt infections common agents including Staphylococcus spp(Cutibacterium spp, Corynebacterium spp, coagulase-negative staphylococci and Propionibacterium).   Organism pathogenicity (e.g transmission) and Molecular methods and direct detection

Body Fluids from Sterile Sites

Specimen sources (aqueous humor and vitreous, amniotic, pleural, pericardial and peritoneal), Indigenous organisms relevent with skin and mucosal surfaces, identification of major pathogen (e.g, Bacteroides fragilis group, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Clostridium perfringens, Neisseria spp, Acinetobacter spp, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterococcus spp, Enterobacteriaceae. Staphylococcus aureus, and beta-hemolyticstreptococci) and colony morphology, Organism pathogenicity(transmission) and molecular process.

Lower Respiratory

Semiquantitative reporting of results and significance of quantitative, Gram stain morphology and species comprising oral flora colony, identification of major pathogens and colony morphology, molecular methods and direct detection, Organism pathogenicity and Specimen sources (e.g bronchial brush, sputum, bronchial wash, endotracheal aspirate and bronchoalveolarlavage)

Upper Respiratory

Organism pathogenicity, molecular methods and direct detection, identification of major pathogens and colony morphology, Gram stain morphology and Indigenous flora colony, molecular methods and direct detection, Specimen sources (middle ear, nasopharynx, throat and sinus).


Identification of major pathogens (e.g., Plesiomonas shigelloides, Salmonella spp, Aeromonas spp, Shigella spp, Yersinia enterocolitica,Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp and Campylobacter spp) and colony morphology, molecular methods and direct detection (Shigella spp, Clostridioides difficile, Salmonella spp, and Shiga toxin) and Organism pathogenicity (transmission, etiology and virulence method)

Skin, Bone and Soft Tissue

Organism pathogenicity, identification of major pathogens and colony morphology, Gram stain Morphology and Indigenous flora colony and Specimen sources( e.g biopsy, abscess and wound)

Genital Tract

Detection method of pathogens (e.g bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis), molecular detection and Culture (e.g., Streptococcus agalactiae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia Trachomatis and Mycoplasma spp), Gram stain morphology and Indigenous organisms' colony, Specimen sources (endocervical, vaginal, urethral and cervical) and Organism pathogenicity.


Culture Correlation with urinalysis results, colony count correlation  wih clinical significance, Colony morphology and urinary pathogens identification (e.g., Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterobacteriaceae, Candida spp, Enterococcus spp and Streptococcus agalactiae), Specimen sources (catheterized, mid-stream cleancatch,  suprapubic and nephrostomy)

Identification Methods (Application, Theory, and Interpretation)

Multiplex molecular methods, Colony morphology, MALDI-TOF MS, presumptive identification rapid tests (PYR, coagulase, indole, catalase and oxidase), Commercial kits, Automated methods, and Conventional biochemical identification.

Antibiotic Resistance and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

Application, interpretation, Method and theory, Resistance phenotypic detection (carbapenamases, beta-lactamase, ESBL, and inducible clindamycin resistance), genetic determinants resistance and detection( vanA, blaKPC and mecA) and common species intrinsic resistance patterns.


Molecular methods, Specimen sources, and Culture methods.

Select Agents and BSL-3 Pathogens

Organism pathogenicity, Laboratory Response Network and Role of regional laboratory, presumptive identification rapid tests( Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis and Brucella spp) and colony morphology, and Specimen sources (sputum, lymph node, blood and sputum)

Analytic Procedures for Virology, Mycology, Parasitology and Mycobacteriology

According to BOC, it has four parts: Mycobacteriology and Nocardia spp, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology.

Mycobacteriology and Nocardia Spp

Disease state and major pathogens (transmission, etiology, and epidemiology), growth characteristics, colony morphology, and Acid-fast reaction, Specimen sources (blood, lower respiratory, and soft tissue).


Pathogens direct detection, disease states, and major pathogens (transmission, etiology, and epidemiology), and specimen sources.


Molecular and direct detection, microscopic identification, disease states, and major pathogens (transmission, etiology, and epidemiology), and specimen sources (tissue, blood, respiratory, and stool).


Other identification methods and major pathogens microscopic identification, Yeast identification (MALDI-TOF MS and automated biochemical methods), disease states and major pathogens (transmission, etiology, and epidemiology), and specimen sources.

Postanalytic Procedures

Prevention and Public Health/ Reporting to Infection Control, Autoverification, and result review, Critical and urgent value reporting, Issuing Corrected Reports, and Documentation Practices.

Preanalytic Procedures

Transport and Specimen Collection: Systems of Specimen transport, all organisms' conditions, specimen labeling and patient identification, and Specimen collection.Specimen Processing:  Incubation conditions, media Inoculation, applications and specimen preparation methods, personal protective equipment Biosafety cabinet, and rejection criteria and specimen prioritization. Stains: Interpretation, Principle & Procedure; Acid-fast and Gram. Stains: Principle and Procedure (Acridine orange, Giemsa, Trichrome, calcofluor-white & KOH, and Modified acid-fast

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

MLT (ASCP and ASCPi) Hematology Study Guide

The exam content for hematology is divided into four types: Hematology Physiology (body fluids, blood, and bone marrow), hemostasis, hematology laboratory testing, and hematology disease states. Hematology gives 20 – 25% of questions for the MLT ASCP exam.

Hematology Physiology (body fluids, blood, and bone marrow)

Production, Function, and Destruction


Its further distribution is Laboratory Determinations, Disease States, and Physiology.

Laboratory Determinations

Fibrinogen, Mixing studies, Anti-Xa, Hypercoagulability assessment (Assays (protein C, protein S) and Molecular (prothrombin 20210 and factor V Leiden), Hypercoagulability assessment, APTT, INR/PT, Laboratory Determinations, Thrombin time, Platelet function and D-dimer.


Vascular system, Fibrinolytic pathway, and Coagulation pathways

Disease States

Fibrinolytic system, DIC, Acquired, Hereditary, Coagulation factor deficiencies, Acquired and Hypercoagulable states.

Hematology Laboratory Testing

It has following types:

Cell Counts (body fluids and blood)

Reticulocytes, Manual, Spurious results, and Automated.

Morphology Evaluation and Differentials (Body fluid and blood)


Qualitative (Sickle solubility and Electrophoresis) and Quantitative.



Hemolytic Indicators (LD, haptoglobin)

Special Stains

Kleihauer-Betk, Esterase, Myeloperoxidase and Prussian blue.

Other Studies

Heinz bod, ESR and G-6-PD

Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping

PNH, Lymphocyte subsets, Lymphoma and Leukemia

Cytogenetic and Molecular Testing

JAK2, BCR/ABL1 and Recurring cytogenetic abnormalities.

Hematology Disease States

It is classified into: Platelets, Leukocytes and Erythrocytes


Qualitative defects:  Glanzmann thrombasthenia, Bernard-Soulier syndrome and von Willebrand disease

Quantitative abnormalities: Thrombocytosis and Thrombocytopenia (Pseudothrombocytopenia, Decreased production and Increased destruction (HIT, ITP and TTP)


Lymphoid neoplasia:  Plasma cell dyscrasias, lymphoma/Chronic leukemia, and Acute leukemia.

Benign leukocyte disorders: Myeloid and Lymphoid

Myeloid neoplasia: Myeloproliferative neoplasms and Myelodysplastic syndromes.

Hereditary anomalies


Erythrocytosis: Relative and Absolute

Anemia: Hemoglobinopathies, Macrocytic (Megaloblastic and Non-megaloblastic), Normocytic( Hypoproliferative, Hereditary hemolytic, Acute hemorrhage and acquired hemolytic) Microcytic (Chronic inflammation, Thalassemia, Sideroblastic and Iron deficiency).

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

Blood Bank MLT ASCP Study Guide

Blood Bank is divided into six categories:  Blood Group Immunology, Blood Products, Pathophysiology and Physiology, Transfusion Practice, Molecular Testing, and Serologic and Blood Group Systems. 15 – 20% exam content (MCQs) are select from blood bank.

 Blood Group Immunology

Further classification of blood group immunology is


Physical and biological properties, Structure, subclasses, and classes.

Immune Response

Secondary and primary response, macrophages, T and B cell, and Genetics.

Antibody- Antigen Interactions

Principles and Testing (Methods and result)


Alternative and Classical pathway mechanisms and Biologic properties

Blood Products

Following are Blood product further types:


Testing and labeling


Special donations, Adverse reactions, Collection methods, and Qualification.


Expiration, stored products properties, Transportation, Temperature requirements and Anticoagulants/additives.

Blood Components

Irradiated components, Washed red blood cells, Whole blood, Fractionation products, Apheresis products, deglycerolized/Frozen red blood cells, Leukocyte-reduced components, Granulocytes, Plasma, Platelets, Cryoprecipitated AHF, and red blood cells.

Blood Component Quality Control

Pathophysiology and Physiology

BOC divide this content area into following parts:

Physiology of Blood

Blood volume and circulation, function and composition of blood (Abnormal physiology and Normal function), Cell metabolism and Cell survival.

Coagulation and Hemostasis

Platelet function and disorders and Coagulation disorders and factors

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn and Fetus

Prevention, Treatment, Detection and Pathophysiology.


Acquired and congenital (Treatment, Detection and Pathophysiology) and Immune hemolytic anemias: drug-induced, cold and warm (Treatment, Detection and Pathophysiology).


Hematopoietic progenitor cell and Solid organ

Transfusion Practice

Patient Blood Management and Blood Administration, Transmitted-transfusion diseases, Apheresis and Extracorporeal Circulation, Immunologic reactions, Component Therapy, Transfusion Adverse Effects, Transfusion Indications, Nonimmunologic reactions and Component Therapy.

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

Molecular Testing and Serologic

Following are classification for this content area:

Routine Tests

Direct antiglobulin testing, clinical significance/antibody identification, Blood grouping tests and Compatibility tests (Crossmatch and Antibody detection)


Reagent red cells and antiglobulin and Blood grouping sera

Reagents and Application of Special Tests

EDTA glycine-acid, thiol reagents use, Cell separations, Enhancement media, Adsorptions, Titrations, Lectins, Enzymes, Elutions, Column agglutination test, Molecular techniques, Immunofluorescence, Solid phas, ELISA and Chloroquine diphosphate.

Platelet/Leukocyte Testing

Platelet testing and Cytotoxicity.

Quality Assurance

Test procedures, Blood sample and Reagents

Blood Group Systems

Genetics, Antigens/Biochemistry, and Blood Groups Role in Transfusion are part of blood group system.


Blood groups inheritance, Basic and Molecular


Platelet-specific, Rh, P1PK/Globoside(P), ABO, Lutheran, Kell, MNS, Duffy, Lewis, Kidd, Ii and Antigens of low and high prevalence.

Blood Groups Role in Transfusion

Immunogenicity and Antigen prevalence

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

Immunology MLT ASCP Study Guide

Principles Of Immunology, Transplantation, Diseases of the Immune System, Serologic Procedures, Test consequences, and Infectious Disease Serology are six main parts of immunology. 5 – 10% of questions are selected from this part of the MLT ASCP test.

Principles Of Immunology

Immune System Physiology, Complement, Antibody-Antigen Interactions, and Immunoglobulins are content areas of the principle of immunology.

Immune System Physiology

Genetics, macrophages and T and B cell, secondary and primary response,


Biologic properties and alternative and classical pathways.

Antibody-Antigen Interactions

Test (rule and process) and Principles


Physical and Biologic properties, subclasses and classes and Structure


Tumor Immunology, HLA Typing and Graft-versus-host Disease.

Diseases Of the Immune System

BOC divide this content area into four parts: Immunoproliferative Diseases, Hypersensitivity, Immunodeficiency and Autoimmunity

Immunoproliferative Diseases

Monoclonal gammopathies (plasma cell myeloma and Waldenström macroglobulinemia)




Hereditary and Acquired


Systemic (SLE) and Organ-specific (Graves' disease)

Serologic Procedures

Immunofluorescence, Nontreponemal and Treponemal Syphilis Testing (e.g., RPR and MHATP), Thyroid Antibodies, ANA, Labeled Immunoassays, and Rheumatoid Factor.

Test Results

Confirmatory Testing, Interpretation and Disease State Correlation.

Infectious Disease Serology

Epidemiology of Viral Pathogens (measles, rubella, CMV, HIV, EBV and hepatitis) and Clinical Significance

Urinalysis and Body Fluids Study Guide for MLT (ASCP and ASCPi)

BOC divide Urinalysis and Body Fluids Study content into two parts: Body fluids (e.g., Semen, CSF, Serous, Amniotic, Feces and Synovial) and Urinalysis. Board of Certification select 5 – 10% MCQs from this area.

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA


Following are the main part of body fluids:

Disease States

Renal Physiology


Casts, Contaminants, Cells, Microorganisms and Artifacts.


Reagent strip and Confirmatory tests


Osmolality/specific gravity and clarity and color.

Body fluids (e.g., Semen, CSF, Serous, Amniotic, Feces, and Synovial)

Disease States, Physiology, Chemical, Physical and Microscopic

Laboratory Operations Study Guide for MLT(ASCP) and MLT(ASCPi)

Troubleshooting/Quality Assessment, Safety, Automated/Manual Methodology and Instrumentation, and Laboratory Mathematics are types of lab operations. BOC chooses 5-10% question content from this part.

Troubleshooting/Quality Assessment

Compliance, Quality Control, Regulation (accreditation standard, proficiency testing and competency assessment), Point-of-care Testing, Postanalytical, Analytical and Preanalytical.


Safety Practices and Programs: Infection prevention by bloodborne Pathogens, transportation and packaging of microorganisms and specimens, chemicals and reagents safety data sheets, Safe work practices and personal protective equipment usages

Emergency Procedures: Needlesticks, fire and splashes to mucous membranes.

Instrumentation and Automated/Manual Methodology

Hematology Instrumentation, Mass Spectrometry, Fluorometry, Molecular Methods, Electrophoresis, Photometry and Spectrophotometry, Automated Microbiology Processors, Osmometry, Flow Cytometry, Electrochemistry, Nephelometry and Basic Laboratory Equipment.

Laboratory Mathematics

Dilutions, Volume and concentration, Standard Curves, Confidence Intervals, Mean, Median, and Mode, Predictive Value, Sensitivity and Specificity, and Molarity and Normality.

MLSIA Study Guide Premium Edition for MLT ASCP/ASCPi

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

When comes to MLT ASCP study material, there is no alternative to choosing the MLSIA 4×4 prep course package. MLSIACADEMY Study Guide Premium Edition offers the following valuable content for MLT (ASCP & ASCPi)

  • One Unified Study Source
  • Online classes (recorded class opportunity also available)
  • Q&A
  • Opportunity to contact with the professors and other classmates.

Advantages of MLSIA study guide

Conclusive and Comprehensive Study Material

Being MLT (ASCP and ASCPi) hopeful, you need to choose a conclusive and comprehensive study material that covers all BOC recommended details syllabus in one unified study material. MLSIA learning material sounds good in this regard.

Unified Learning Material

MLSIA study material covers MLT ASCP questions, flashcards, and reading lists in one unified learning material. Your journey of getting an MLT ASCP credential will be easy by choosing the MLSAIA prep course.

Free of Cost (Affordable)

Do not waste time, money, and energy to find MLT ASCP study material. You can get all MLT ASCP prerequisites in an affordable budget by MLSIA.

Flexible Structure (Video, PDF)

MLSIA's flexible format (video and PDF) makes it unique from others. It offers online classes (record and interactive classes) and PDFs for students' convenience.

Slove Complexities

MLSIA learning materials solve all MLT ASCP content complications in an easy-to-understand format and offer cooked content in front of candidates to digest.

How to Study for the MLT ASCP Exam?

There are some effective tricks <a href=””>to pass </a>the ASCP MLT exam in one sitting

Total Time: 1 minute

Know about the Test Subject

Before booking the MLT ASCP test, one must know about the ASCP BOC recommended syllabus. MLT ASCP chooses exam content from seven subjects including body fluids/urinalysis, blood bank, lab operation, microbiology, immunology, hematology, and chemistry.

Excellent Helping Material

An excellent helping material can make this challenging exam easy. Hence, one must trust MLSIA study material for exam preparation.

Understand BOC Test Nature

ASCP BOC presents 100 MCQs by choosing different percentages of each subject. Candidates have 2 hours and 30 minutes to cover 100 MCQs.  Computer adaptive testing (CAT) format is used to conduct this exam.

Read Between the Line

ASCP MLT is a MCQs test. So, one must read the most complicated information as well as the easy ones easily for this test.  little piece of information can be useful.

MLT ASCP Study Guide Preparation by MLSIA

FAQ for MLT ASCP Study Guide

Does BOC ASCP offer any guidance for MLT ASCP exam preparation?

Yes, ASCP BOC offer MLT ASCP reading list (journal, textbook and online associations) and content guideline (topic and sub-topics) for exam preparation.

Can I get the opportunity to record MLT ASCP online classes?

MLSIACEDEMY offers the recording of classes if you miss online classes for some reason.

What is the highest score for the MLT (ASCP and ASCPi) test

ASCP BOC offer various certification as medical laboratory technician. All of these exams have 0-999 score ranges.

How do I know if I passed MLT ASCP?

Once you've finished your exam, you will receive unofficial fail/pass result and official score report will be receive within four business days.

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